Image by 497608 from Pixabay

Since the pandemic, there has been a significant increase in telemarketing and cyber scammers. These criminals specifically target people within vulnerable communities, such as our senior citizens. They typically operate by calling your phone from a professional looking number, next they convince you they are legitimate, then these criminals proceed to fish for specific information they can use to exploit. By answering the phone and providing even the smallest bit of personal information, you have given them everything they need to fraudulently use you for quick payday.


Image by 1139623 from Pixabay

Sharing your name, address, or date of birth is enough for scammers to create false accounts and cause serious damage. Since January, Palmetto Strong has personally jumped through hoops and cut through red tape in order to help several people get their health insurance back on track. When rouge agents and scammers make changes to your insurance without your consent, there can be dangerous consequences. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and insurance carriers have implemented new regulations to combat the issue, but people are still getting victimized every day.


Below are a few tips to help prevent these attacks:

  1. If you don’t recognize the number, DON’T ANSWER THE PHONE. Contact your agent or insurance company directly if you have any questions about your plan.
  2. Find an agent or advocate you can trust. Even if you are familiar with your plan and how it works, it is important to confirm your decisions with an industry expert.
  3. Always ask for documentation when discussing anything over the phone. Real professionals will be happy to provide any supporting documents that are available.



Additional Resources: